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My Past

Lately, I have been pretty busy going through the stuff in my room. I realized that I could sell some of the old toys, books, clothes, and other stuff that I don't use anymore to help earn money. While I was going through the different boxes I found on the shelves of my closet, I found this tiny little brown bear with a bandage over his right eye. It brought back a turmoil of emotions that are connected to the little bear. When I was 3-years-old, I had a tumor behind my right eye. I don't remember much about it except for waking up in a dark room, playing in the waiting room, and when I picked out the little bear. The pictures from after the surgery aren't pretty. My eyelid was all bruised and there was a big bandaid over my eye. My dad tells me that I put bandaids on all of my stuffed animals, helping them get better. Now the only thing that shows from the surgery, is some bone missing from my eyebrow bone. It is weird to think back to that and realize it isn't

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