
I would like this blog to be more than just me saying stuff at a few or even a bunch of people, so I would like some people to give me some suggestions for different things I could do on here. The first thought that came to my mind was that I could create a different section on here for stories. Right now I can't stop looking at all the different characters I have drawn and I am wondering what stories they have.

A lot of the time when I was growing up I would write stories, but I never finished them. I know that some drawings of characters are just drawings, but I love the thought of there being a possibility of a story for them. For some of my drawings I have this strong feeling that they are unfinished but how am I going to fix that? Is there something I am missing to this drawing that I have?

The particular one I am thinking is just from the shoulders up of a boy from a side view. He has a sort of vulnerability to him and seems unhappy. I can see some of myself in him, and I can hardly remember drawing him. I think I did it at 1 or 2 in the morning before going back to bed. That sometimes happens to me. I can't go back to sleep after waking up from a dream, so I just draw.

I know this boy has a story. I can sort of see it, but it is like that feeling when a word is on the tip of your tongue. Maybe I will figure out his story later today or maybe tomorrow. I hope I can figure it out soon. I may try drawing him more and figuring out his backstory. I will know when it is right.

OH, I forgot to explain the new change to the title of the blog. I was talking to one of my closest friends about this blog and we were trying to figure out a name that people could know me by. To be frank, I chose Spider-Trans because it was part of something that some classmates would try to use against me and make me feel awful. What better way to flip them off without causing trouble than being known by it? Plus I love Spider-Man, so that helps.

So, if anyone can comment some different things I can do, whether it is talking about different subjects and my view on it or writing stories like what I was talking about earlier, that would be great. That was a run-on sentence I think, but I just want to finish this post. Thanks for reading my blog, it means a lot. :)


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